What is the National Blueprint for Secure CommunitiesThe Blueprint is a dynamic, ever-changing resource, written and compiled by community sector leaders, responders and experts, that identifies:1) the challenges facing communities during the first 72 hours of crisis; 2) recommendations, ideas and best practices that might address the challenges; and 3) tools that the private and community sectors can provide to the public sector that augment and increase response and recovery capability. Click here for a copy of the 2010 Best Practices. For instance, in meetings with communities such as Galveston and Charleston, a number of best practices were identified and entered into the National Blueprint describing cross-sector collaborations that can be examples for other communities which are exploring ways to forge new partnerships. Working in partnership with the Kennedy School of Government/Leadership for a Networked World (KSG/LNW) at Harvard University, the Community Institute for Preparedness, Response and Recovery (CIPRR) and the Corporate Crisis Response Officers Association (CCROA) are reaching out to first responders, local officials, the private and community sectors and citizens in these and other communities throughout the nation to develop the National Blueprint. The Blueprint is an asset to help develop templates for community pilot projects that each year serve as roadmaps for any community working to increase their public sector response capability during the first 72 hours of crisis by leveraging the assets and volunteers of the private and community sectors. Click here to read more ... |